[Avodah] chochma on hold:

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 19:32:19 PST 2020

R' Joel Rich:

> From a book review:
> You will not find here comparative analyses of the various approaches:
> “Torah Only” versus “Torah im Derech Eretz” versus “Torah Umadda.” This
> enhances the book because those arcane discussions have always been more
> the province of scholars in their ivory towers than that of actual wage
> earners out in the workforce.
> Rabbi Lopiansky instead sets out a model elegant in its simplicity: The
> time spent in yeshivah is a period in which a young man takes on the role
> of Shevet Levi—“a stratum of undiluted and uncompromised spirituality with
> a minimum of interaction with the material world.” These years are “the
> stratum [that] becomes the core of our being.” The subsequent years in the
> work world are years in which one must find his role as one of the other
> shevatim—“to know our mission in life and to realize it.” Such missions
> must be solidly within the framework of osek b’yishuvo shel olam—“the
> constructive building and enhancement of the world.”

This reminds me of something R' Dovid Feinstein ZTL told me some 22 years
ago. I asked him, if someone is capable of becoming "toraso umnaso" is he
obligated to do so. He responded by asking me if I learned kol haTorah
kulah, to which I responded that I had not. He motioned to me that I still
need to learn. He added that in general, a person doesn't reach his full
capability in learning Torah; even if a person learned kol haTorah kulah,
he already forgot some of what he learned at the beginning and has to start
over and learn it again.

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