[Avodah] Teaching your child a trade

Moshe Y. Gluck mgluck at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 19:55:58 PST 2020

> R' YL:
> The Agudah has such programs. For example, Daniel Soloff  is National
> Director at Professional Career Services, a division of Agudath Israel
> which functions in Lakewood. While not overtly supported by BMG, it is
> known that many who have learned in BMG get job skills through this
> organization.
As former BMG registrar and current Agudah employee, I can attest to how
great this organization is and how successful its graduates are. That said,
it speaks to the opposite of R' YL's point - if such programs exist (and
they do, as he said), why should one worry about learning a trade at a
younger age?

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