[Avodah] simple eruv question
Sholom Simon
sholom at aishdas.org
Fri Nov 13 06:13:58 PST 2020
Just an FYI: on Eruvin 94, R Rosner made the following comment in his daf
yomi shiur:
What is the lomdus of pi tikra? Some rishonim say it is just a fancy form
of gud achis; they put them together, even though the gemara doesn't put
them together. Others say, they are different, that maybe it's just a din
of havdalah. Meaning: you're not creating any type of structure by pi
tikra, you're just creating enough to be mavdil the reshuyos, which would
not be good enough, e.g., for a sukkah, where you need walls
(Somewhat uncharacteristically, he didn't actually name any of the rishonim
or give sources for that statement. That might have been because it was
right at the very end of the shiur and he was running out of time -- or
that he just wanted to slip in some general comments before moving on).
Good shabbos!
-- Sholom
On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 1:51 PM Micha Berger <micha at aishdas.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 10:04:12PM -0400, Sholom Simon wrote:
> > Take a bridge that goes over a local road. Can we say that the side of
> the
> > bridge (presuming it is straight) forms a mechitza, and we extend
> downward
> > via gud achis? Or do we say pi tiqra because we treat the bridge like a
> > roof? (I think you are explaining this, but I don't fully get it).
> Assuming the bridge has some kind of support running along the side to
> invoke gud achis, I would think both are in play. But you don't need that
> support to qualify as a mechitzah, since pi tiqra would would on its own.
> Tir'u baTov!
> -Micha
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