[Avodah] Teaching your child a trade

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 18:32:13 PST 2020

R' Alexander Seinfeld asked:
> Does this mitzvah apply to a father who has enough wealth that
> his child will never need to work?

I don't know what reasons Chazal gave to this principle, but I can see many
practical reasons why such a father should make sure that his kids have
some sort of job so that they don't need to rely on their inheritance. For

- How can one be sure that the money will last?
- How can he be sure that the child won't just waste the money?
- What kind of role model will the grandchildren have?

I developed many thoughts on this topic years ago, but Warren Buffet
expressed it much better than I could. To him the perfect amount to leave
children is

> enough money so that they would feel they could do anything,
> but not so much that they could do nothing.


Akiva Miller
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