[Avodah] Is it permissible to eat while walking outside through a marketplace?

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Tue Dec 1 13:51:10 PST 2020

At 02:05 PM 12/1/2020, Micha Berger wrote:
>This raises a recurring question WRT chilul hasheim and the behavior of
>talmidei chakhamim.
>Nowadays, when shomerei Torah umitzvos are a minority, anyone dressed
>identifiably like an Orthodox Jew is seen as representing Torah. Much
>the way talmidei chakhamim were seen by the masses in the classical
>period. An Orthodox-dressed Jew who goes out looking like a shlump
>creates pretty much the same impression today that a TC who went out
>with dirty clothes did then.
>So, how many of the laws of how a TC should behave and should present
>himself apply to all of us?

I posted a somewhat long piece from Rav Schwab's These and Those 
about the requirements of being a Torah scholar.

https://web.stevens.edu/golem/llevine/rsrh/these_and_those.pdf  for 
all of These and Those.

See pages 13 and 14 and then ask yourself how many people are Torah 
scholars according to these requirements.

I am often called "rabbi"  although the only semicha I have received 
was given to me many years ago from the Meal Mart that used to be on 
Ave J in Flatbush, and the recent semicha I received from the 
Flatbush Jewish Journal! >:-} Nonetheless,  I think that it is 
crucial that people who look like observant Jews behave, act and l 
dress as though the world was judging Judaism by watching them.


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