[Avodah] rosh hashana

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Dec 1 12:31:06 PST 2020

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 11:24:31PM +0000, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
> Rosh Hashanah has been difficult for me for a long time. Rosh Hashana
> is both a Yom Din and a coronation night(malchiyot)...

Here's my pet theory...

The point of malkhus is in contrast to memshalah. "Ein melekh belo am"
-- a melekh requires the acclimation of the people. Hashem rules either
way. The key is to accept His rule, to take the memshalah and turn it
into melukhah.

The Gra makes this point from pesuqim like
   Ki Lashem hamlukhah -- we declare
   umosheil bagoyim -- even those nations that don't accept His rule.
Until the day when
   .. vehayah H' leMelekh al kol ha'aretz...
And so
   Malkhusekha malkhus kol olamim
   umemshaltekha bekhol dor vador
-- unaccepted memshalah has a more limited "from generation to generation"
compared to the Eternity of Divine Malkhus. Because it's only until the
messianic age and the "bayom hahu" described in the above pasuq from
Zekhariah (and said after Aleinu).

One difference between a mosheil who rules regardless of the will of
the people and a melekh who has their support is that the melekh has
less call to impose his will despite their desires. Even if the mosheil
is benevolent, he cannot rely on public support so his methods will be
less accepted by the masses.

Which is why the mashal of Rosh haShanah is that of a king sitting in
judgment -- but this King is "sitting" on a "Kisei Rachamim".

And so, the first step of din is geting on the same page as the Dayan.
Especially if I want a sentence that doesn't involve as many things
happening despite not wanting them to.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 The fittingness of your matzos [for the seder]
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