[Avodah] Authentic Judaism

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 6 06:06:24 PST 2020

>From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimon_Schwab
Shimon Schwab - Wikipedia<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimon_Schwab>
Shimon (Simon) Schwab (December 30, 1908 – February 13, 1995) was an Orthodox rabbi and communal leader in Germany and the United States.Educated in Frankfurt am Main and in the yeshivot of Lithuania, he was rabbi in Ichenhausen, Bavaria, after immigration to the United States in Baltimore, and from 1958 until his death at Khal Adath Jeshurun in Washington Heights, Manhattan.
CIS Publications published 3 volumes of Rav Schwab's speeches and writings, namely,  Selected Writings, Selected Speeches, and Selected Essays.

IMO the material in these books should be read by every observant Jew.  Unfortunately,  these books are out of print.

Rav Schwab's essay Authentic Judaism deals with Chanukah appears in Selected Essays which was published in 1994.

It begins with

"Bayamin haham baz'man Ha Zeh." These words describe the neis Chanukah
that occurred years ago, but in truth, there is an ongoing struggle
for authentic Judaism today as well. We are fighting a battle against
contemporary Misyavnim, and a strategy must be formed in order
to win over their misguided victims.

Well, this is a difficult task. As of today, in spite of our optimism,
the American Jewish population numbers over six million,
kein yirbu, and less than seven percent identify themselves as
Orthodox. This translates to less than five hundred thousand Orthodox
Jews in the entire United States. So instead of the
Misyavnim in our midst, we are in the midst of the Misyavnim.
The Misyavnim of today are the contemporary gravediggers of
the tinokos shenishbu bein ha 'akum, innocent Jewish neshamos,
who are victimized by a spiritual holocaust sheain dugmaso. We
should not lose sight of the fact that this spiritual holocaust is not
happening in Russia or under any atheistic dictatorship. It is right
here in the United States, within the framework of a benign democracy
with religious freedom, and it is not imposed upon us by
bordering on anarchy. The once powerful leaders of this accursed
country are now begging for financial handouts from the capitalistic
European and American governments in order to feed their
hungry citizens.

You can read the entire essay at


Authentic Judaism Rav Shimon Schwab Selected Essays 9.pdf<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tqr6kpcXpxWI0OALB8s1NjFS2Jw8xSoB/view>


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