[Avodah] Pushing Off the Upsherin

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Sun Nov 15 08:05:29 PST 2020

>From the article at
Pushing Off the Upsherin - Vos Iz Neias<https://vosizneias.com/2020/11/15/pushing-off-the-upsherin/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+vin+%28Vos+Iz+Neias%29>
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com Question: A woman has a son with adorable blond curly hair. She is finding it enormously difficult to cut her son’s hair at age three. Can she push off the upsherin for this reason? Answer: Let’s first get some background. The minhag of delaying the first haircut is one […]
I have to presume that this woman is not aware of the problems with the practice of not cutting a boy's hair until age 3.  From


The tendency among Ashkenazi communities to refrain from this practice stems, according to one view, from the concern that the chalaka transgresses the prohibition of imitating pagan practices. Cutting a child's hair at the age of three was a well-known custom among several nations in ancient times, and thus observing this practice may constitute an imitation of pagan ritual.

See the above referenced article for more.  YL

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