[Avodah] The Holy Door and Lot

Brent Kaufman cbkaufman at mail.gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 15:58:52 PST 2020

> "There is no indication that the girls (or for that matter the men) were to
> be killed, or harmed in any way other than by being used as an object of
> giluy arayos."

Are you at all familiar with what happens to a women when she is gang raped
by a small gang of about ten rough men? Ever worked in a city emergency
room on a weekend night? Ever even watch Law and Order: SVU?

If the woman remains alive it is by a thin margin. In our scenario there
are thousands of angry men. The stakes are a given.

[Email #2. -micha]

> "You're exagerating how different halakhah's position is than modern
> attitudes. Or more accurately, how different the halakhah's position
> ended up being when it was true that "darkah bekakh" and girls grew up
> knowing it was likely they'd be raped at some point,"

But I am not exaggerating the mitzius of this type of rape. Yet your
statement about rape being a matter of course for every girl and how they
handled it is completely made up. No one can therefore assume that it's
like getting a simple mugging to be taken in stride as a common thing for

I'm not sure that I even referred to Halacha in my question. I don't know
who would in that scenario. There was no choice about giving the girls. Lot
made that an option all by himself. Nor do I have reason to believe that
Lot would be concerned with halachic responsa on the issue. He, single
handedly, created the entire problem, from putting three strangers at risk,
endangering his family and daughters, and would be responsible for all harm
that came from the evening's events. He lacked self-awareness and sound

*- "When life gives you lemons, shut up and eat your lemons."*

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