[Avodah] What Is Genuine Chassidic Jewishness?
Prof. L. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Tue Oct 27 08:54:33 PDT 2020
The following is from Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer's essay Our Way that appears in the volume A Unique Perspective: Rav Breuer's Essays 1914 - 1973:
Genuine Chassidic Jewishness strives for Chassidus, which in
itself is a lofty achievement on the ethical ladder which the Yehudi
must attempt to climb. This is demonstrated for us by R. Pinchas
ben Yair (Avodah Zarah 20b): Our highest duty is Torah and its
study; this leads to carefulness which in turn leads to active striving;
to guiltlessness; to purity; to holiness; to modesty; to the fear of
sin; and, finally, to Chassidus. Accordingly, a Chassid is a Jew who
gives himself in limitless love to the DivineWill and its realization,
and to whom the welfare of his fellowmen constitutes the highest
source of satisfaction (see Chorev, Ch. 14). Thus, in the Talmudic era,
the title “Chassid” was a mark of highest distinction — and this is
what it should be today.
The so-called Chassid who confines his Avodah to prayer does
not deserve this title, as this “Avodah of the heart” does not call
him to the Avodah of life where he must practice and apply the
precepts of Chassidus.
He does not deserve this title if he is particular regarding the
kashrus of his food but fails to apply the precepts of conscientiousness
and honesty to his business dealings.
He does not deserve this title if his social life is not permeated
by love and deep interest in the welfare of his fellowmen; if he does
not shun quarreling, envy or even abominable Loshon Hara; if he does
not earnestly strive to acquire those Midos for which Rav Hirsch (in
his Chorev) calls so eloquently.
Certainly the mere exhibition of a certain type of clothing or the
type of beard worn or even the adornment of long sideburns does
not entitle the bearer to the title of honor—Chassid. These may be
marks of distinction — but they must be earned to be deserved.
Even study of the Zohar does not necessarily signify the attainment
of Chassidus. If this were so, only a few chosen ones would be eligible.
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