[Avodah] Two Rainbows
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Fri Oct 23 09:41:56 PDT 2020
An interesting tidbit from the Seforno on Ber' 9:13 "vehaysa le'os beris":
"And it will be as a covenental sign: When the rainbow is double.
The scientific experts grew tired of trying to give a ta'am for the
order of the color of the secondary rainbow, which is the reverse of
the order of the colors in the primary, usual, rainbow. It will be
a sign to the righteous of the generation that their generation
is guilty. As when it says [Kesuvos 77b; about truly righteous
Levites] never seeing a rainbow in their entire lifetimes. So that
[the righteous] will pray, rebuke others, and teach the nation wisdom.
So, according to the Seforno, the rainbow that Chazal talk about being a bad
sign is not the usual rainbow, but the second of a doubled rainbow. The
Seforno emphasizes the fact that the colors are reversed. A primary rainbow
has red on the top, outer, curve, and violet on the bottom, inner, one.
A secondary rainbow is about it some distance -- red on the inside curve
(nearest the red of the primary) and violet on the outside.
See the picture
at https://science.howstuffworks.com/nature/climate-weather/atmospheric/double-rainbows-rare.htm
Also there is the scientific explanation that the Natural Philosophers
of the Seforno's day apparently despaired of finding.
I don't know why the Seforno mentions the reversed color sequence. Maybe
he considers it a significant part of the symbol.
But in any case, it solves a problem:
We make the berakhah of Oseh Maaseh Bereishis on the primary rainbow,
which is indeed an awe-inspiring and positive thing to see.
A secondary rainbow is rare and therefore more exciting. (Ask
Hungrybear9562, Paul Vasquez, whose excitement about seeing a "double
rainbow" in Yosemite National Park become a viral video.)
But according to Seforno, this reaction is ironic. Seeing a rare double
rainbow is a *bad* thing. But it's not the phonemonon the berakhah is
made on.
Micha Berger The fittingness of your matzos [for the seder]
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