[Avodah] Pagan Names

Jay F. Shachter jay at m5.chicago.il.us
Thu Nov 5 06:18:22 PST 2020

> And why doesn't R Hirsch discuss contemporary month names? Are
> Janus, Mars, Maia, or Juno less pagan than Woden, Thor, Tiw or Frig?
> (Saturday is named for Saturn via the planet, so I'll cut that one a
> little more slack.)
> Off-the-cuff, I am thinking it's the fact that he is in Germany that
> gave the names of Teutonic gods a little more grouding in the
> surrounding culture, and thus the name's origins less forgotten.

Pedantic correction: the pagan origin of the English word "Wednesday"
does not belong in this list.  The German-speaking people among whom
Hirsch lived did not call Wednesday "Wednesday".  In the German
language that day has something of a numeric name, like the names we
Hebrews use for the days of the week (every speaker of Yiddish knows

(On the other hand, the popular etymology attributing "Dienstag" to
"Dienst" -- thus making the name of the day something like the French
"vendredi" -- is incorrect.  If anything, the etymology goes in the
other direction.)

This is, as I said, a pedantic correction.  But we are Jews, and we
love pedantic corrections.

                        Jay F. ("Yaakov") Shachter
                        6424 North Whipple Street
                        Chicago IL  60645-4111
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                                jay at m5.chicago.il.us

                        "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"

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