[Avodah] A Question for Today's Times

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 30 06:10:27 PDT 2020

>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. May one fulfill the mitzvah of picking up their lulav and esrog while wearing gloves?

A. Shulchan Aruch (OC 651:7) writes that if a person wrapped a cloth around their hand and picked up the lulav, some say one has not fulfilled the mitzvah. This is because the cloth is a chatzitza (barrier) between the hand and the lulav. The Mishnah Berurah (651:33) writes that the same applies if one is wearing gloves. He also explains that the reason Shulchan Aruch writes “some say”, is because this is a matter of dispute among Rishonim. The opinion of the Ran is that if one wrapped their hands with cloth or put on gloves, the cloth is viewed as an extension of one’s hand, and as such, it is not a barrier. Therefore, if one did pick up the lulav while wearing gloves, the lulav should be lifted again to fulfill the mitzvah in accordance with those who view the glove as a chatziza. However, a new beracha would not be said because the mitzvah was already fulfilled according to the Ran. One who must wear gloves in shul should recite the berachos and shake the lulav at home before coming to shul.

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