[Avodah] Davening BiYehidut on Yom Kippur

Aryeh Frimer Aryeh.Frimer at biu.ac.il
Sat Sep 12 10:18:12 PDT 2020

Has anyone seen litereature about the following Issues when Davening BiYehidut
(1) saying Kol Nidrei - You need a Bet Din to be Matir Neder, but perhaps it can be said as a Notification for the future  [a la Rabbenu Tam] - using the language "MiYom Kippur Zeh ad Yom kippurim.
(2) If one says the piyut of the Avoda after his private Musaf shmoneh Esrei, can he fall korim, what about Aleinu

Shanah Tovah, Beri'ah u-metukah!
Prof. Aryeh A. Frimer
Chemistry Dept., Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan 5290002, ISRAEL

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