[Avodah] Hashem your G-d

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Sat Aug 29 19:57:19 PDT 2020

In the Bikkurim procedure, the farmer says to the kohen, "I declare today
to Hashem your G-d that..." (Devarim 26:3)

Why does he say "your G-d" instead of "my G-d"?

This may happen elsewhere too, but this case stands out because the form
changes later on in this speech, when the farmer tells how "we cried out to
Hashem, the G-d of *our* ancestors..." (Devarim 26:7) Why the contrast? If
the third person was reasonable in the first part, why switch to the first
person later on?

Akiva Miller
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