[Avodah] Simchas Torah, post-covid19

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Mon May 18 18:28:32 PDT 2020

R' Zev Sero asked:

> The indvidual obligation of Shmo"s is "lehashlim parshiyosav
> *im hatzibur*.  If the tzibur is not reading the parsha, does
> the individual obligation still apply?

R' Micha Berger responded:

> Define "tzibbur". The local minyan (or the local minyan he
> usually attends)? Or the community of all minyanim that follow
> the same minhag of sedros.
> Can we prove whether or not the nursing homes, hospitals, army
> bases, etc... all the minyanim that have no motive to halt
> during a pandemic, are enough to carry kelal Yisrael forward
> for shenamyim miqra ve'echad targum?

My wild guess is that "HAtzibur" refers to the minyan that one usually
attends, similar to Tefilas Tal, for which the nursing homes et al did not
suffice (at least not according to Rav Schachter).

RMB added:

> (Note, I learned about "shemo"s" as an acronym for shenayim
> miqra from a chassidishe rebbe in Jr High. Personally, I have
> only encountered that acronymn inside the chassidish veldt.)

And at the very end of Aruch Hashulchan O"C 285:1, quoting the Levush.

R' Michael Popper wrote:

> Fn2 at
> tells me that l'chulei alma, individuals are obligated even when
> there's no communal reading.

No. Halachipedia's words are "that there's an obligation of Shenayim Mikra
even for someone who heard Torah reading in shul." That's pretty much the
same as the words of both Rambam Tefilah 13:25 and Mechaber 285:1 - "Even
though one hears the whole Torah each week b'tzibur, he must read it to
himself each week."

One could easily interpret it to mean "Even though he hears it b'tzibur,
and certainly if he doesn't hear it b'tzibur," but it's NOT explicit in the
text. One could just as easily say that "Yashlim adam parshiyosav im
hatzibur" would not apply if there's no tzibur reading it.

It is worthwhile to note that Halachipedia points to an interesting Hagahos
Maimoniyos on Rambam Tefila 13:25. He quotes the Raavan as holding that
Shemo"s applies ONLY to those who live in villages and don't go to the shul
to hear the parsha. The Raavan understood "IM hatzibur" to mean that those
yechidim should be reading the parsha at home at the *same time* as it is
being read in shul, but the Hagahos Maimoniyos disagreed.

Akiva Miller
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