[Avodah] How To Religiously Respond to the Pandemic

Toby Katz t613k at aol.com
Fri May 15 11:04:32 PDT 2020

In Avodah Digest, Vol 38, Issue 30 dated 5/3/2020:

From: Alexander Seinfeld <seinfeld at daasbooks.com>

>>.....someone whoexercises vigorously every day, eats leafy green vegetables every day, takesvitamin-D supplements and maintains a healthy BMI will have a strongerimmune system than someone who lacks any of the above. The death rate amongthe obese, sedentary, smokers etc is far, far higher than the thin, activenon-smokers....

Does it not appear that if every Yid were caring for his healthappropriately, the Covid-19 death rate would be very low if not zero?<<

Alexander Seinfeld

I heard on the radio today that here in Florida over 30% of the corona deaths have been among people over the age of 85, mostly in long-term healthcare facilities.  About 60% of the deaths have been among people over the age of 65 (including the afore-mentioned over-85 group).  People who live to a ripe old age are generally those who did take care of their health, but that didn't keep them safe from this virus once they reached old age.  Conversely, being young is statistically a very good protection even if you eat cake instead of spinach.
We have quite a few elderly Yidden around, Baruch Hashem.  The only way the Covid-19 death rate would be zero would be if Yidden died young of other causes and refrained from reaching old age.

--Toby Katzt613k at aol.com

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