[Avodah] Celebrations Lag baOmer Evening
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Mon May 11 04:22:18 PDT 2020
On Sun, May 10, 2020 at 09:09:56PM -0400, Zev Sero via Avodah wrote: >> I am not saying those who actually have a minhag to celebrate at a
>> bonfire Lag la/ba'Omer evening are wrong. It's all minhag after all.
>> I am just asking about the permissibility of the more recent spread
>> among yeshivos and other communities, for whom the custom of ending the
>> mourning is at haneitz (dawn), not the night before.
> Again, it depends what it is that one is marking in the first place...
Does it? I am talking about not obeying consensus in sifrei halakhah.
I said nothing about motive.
Suspending judgment about the early Chassidim and Talmidei haChidah who
veered away from a minhag that was already over a millennium old, I am
not sure how an existing community can jsut decide "We don't hold like
the Rama anymore" wihout any contemporary pushback. Without even hararas
> So perhaps what is happening is simply that as the influence of toras
> hanistar is felt more widely...
Yes, but does that conform to halachic process?
I also question if this is about anything more than the trappings. We're
talking about people who like the kumzitz but by and large aren't learning
more Zohar or sefarim based on it.
I can offer a compromise position.
There was a time when the celebrarions and hair cutting, perhaps the
bonfires as well, were on the 43rd of the Omar, Shemu'el haNavi's
yahrzeit. Poses no halachic questions for those who keep the aveilus
in the first part of the omer. (Unlike 2 Iyyar to the night of Lag
baOmer which was part of every minhag of mourning.)
You can give the bachurim in your yeshiva a pre-Shavuos bonfire and
kumzitz, no halachic questions raised.
But in any case, we're veering from my original topic, which was formal,
not motivational. According to how minhag avos works, is "the growing
influence of Chassidus" really permissible grounds for changing a minhag
this old?
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger Today is the 32nd day, which is
http://www.aishdas.org/asp 4 weeks and 4 days in/toward the omer.
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