[Avodah] Pesach Sheni - Korban Pesach, Tachanun, and Matzah

Arie Folger afolger at aishdas.org
Fri May 8 04:41:58 PDT 2020

RAMiller was surprised that Rav Hershel Schachter said that the Minhag
Ashkenaz is to say Tachanun on Pessach Sheni, since all his life, in all
Ashkenaz shuls he went to, Tachanun was omitted on Pessach Sheni.

Well, here is the rundown. Minhag Ashkenaz is absolutely to say Tachanun
and Lamnatzeach on Pessach Sheni. However, as Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern
Europe changed aspects of Nussach Ashekanz (the greatest changes leading to
the creation of a new name for the now almost independent nussach, Nussach
Sefard), even Minhag Litta incorporated some of the changes, hence the
Ashkenaz shuls RAM went to were all following Minhag ArtScroll, i.e. Minhag
Litta, and there, Tachanun may be skipped by some/many.

The reason for not skipping Tachanun is that there there is nothing special
nowadays about this day, since Pessach Sheni is only available as an option
for those who should have brought a korpan pessach on Pessach Rishon but
for whatever reason could not. Since this year we did not observe Pessach
Rishon (we did observe Chag haMatzos, but on the 14th, we didn't bring any
korban), therefore there is no Pessach Sheni.

Obviously there is another minhag, the one RAM experienced, but it isn't an
Original Genuine Authorized and Certified Minhag Ashkenaz (tm).

Indeed, today, I was davening at one of our local parking lot minyanim
(someone asked me "Ah, the one at Ohel Moshe?," no it isn't at OHEL Moshe,
but rather at Chatzer or Avir Moshe. Ohel is indoors) (in Austria, we have
already largely deconfined. Shul is restarting one week from now. Outdoor
minyanim are OK here). The minyan is chassidish, so they didn't say
Tachanun. So I said it quietly.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Yours sincerely,

Arie Folger,
Visit my blog at http://rabbifolger.net/
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