[Avodah] Yaysay v'Yaychol
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Mon Apr 20 13:28:42 PDT 2020
On Sat, Apr 04, 2020 at 10:06:22PM -0400, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
> Kol dichfin, yaysay v'yaychol!
> All who are hungry, come and eat!
> Really??? This year too???
And yeisei veyifsach has been an option for the past 1950 years?
> Surely this question will be asked at many sedarim this year, and I found a
> possible answer in one of my hagados. Before I share what that haggada
> said, I'd like to point out that even in a normal year, it would be odd and
> awkward to invite a guest to the meal after we've already said Kiddush.
> Perhaps this paragraph is NOT the open-door invitation that it appears to
> be.
Again, all the more so for veyifsach -- inviting people after the chaburah
was formed and the qorban was even shechted.
> The title of this all-Hebrew Haggadah is "Haggada Berurah"...
> authored by Hanan Minkowich in 5752:
>> Ha Lachma Anya is a sort of Kinah, which was established in Bavel as a
>> kiyum of "Im Lo Aaleh Es Yerushalayim Al Rosh Simchasi." When the Beis
>> Hamikdash stood, the Korban Pesach was eaten only by those who had signed
>> up for it, which does not apply today. So we are m'konen, we lament that
>> this is merely poor bread; anyone can come and eat it, for we have no
>> Korban Pesach to sign up for. And then, before continuing with the Story,
>> we have the consolation that "This year we are here, next year etc etc"
Seems muchrakh. Although the version I heard (too many years ago to give
a maqor) was that end of Ha Lachma Anya (the part under discussion)
was taken for a common formula stated when picking out the sheep, and
moved to the meal for memorial purposes.
Tangentially: In my (unpublished) hagaddah, Ha Lachma Anya is part of
Yachatz. This way, its role (at least of the reisha) is to explain why
we're breaking matzah -- it's lechem oni. Then, we begin Maggid with the
child's questions and if they have none, with the scripted questions of
Mah Nishtanah.
So the reisha is to explain Yachatz. The middle is a sad prelude to why
we've turned the invitation into a memorial. And then the invitation.
All of which is maschilim begenai. As is dipping asher achalnu beMitzrayim
chinam, es haqishuim... in salt water. Everything between Qadeish and
filling the kos sheini is sad.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger Today is the 11th day, which is
http://www.aishdas.org/asp 1 week and 4 days in/toward the omer.
Author: Widen Your Tent Netzach sheb'Gevurah: What is imposing about
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