[Avodah] Using Horseradish for Maror

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Mon Apr 6 08:24:11 PDT 2020

At 10:59 PM 4/5/2020, mgluck at gmail.com wrote:
>R’ YL:
>Fact: Among Ashkenazim, horseradish is widely 
>used for maror. While horseradish often appears 
>as the translation for tamcha, one of the 
>vegetables listed in the Mishnah that may be 
>used for maror, the translation is probably 
>inaccurate.1 Although horseradish is now 
>considered acceptable for use at the Seder, 
>according to many posekim, lettuce and endives are preferable.
>Not to disagree with R’ YL, but there could be 
>another reason to prefer horseradish – they’re 
>generally bug free, unlike lettuce/endives. 
>Indeed, when I went to the link that R’ YL 
>included, R’ AZ does mention that, almost as an 
>afterthought, all the way at the end of the article.

Today one can purchase Romaine lettuce that is 
bug free.  Both Bodek and Postiv sell this.

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