[Avodah] Accounting for a Minyan, by R Gil Student

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Fri Jun 5 12:08:15 PDT 2020

Please see https://www.torahmusings.com/2020/06/accounting-for-a-minyan-2

    Torah Musings
    Accounting for a Minyan
    by R. Gil Student
    Jun 5, 20

    Can we count for a minyan a man who has stolen from the government?

All the sources that are the intended topic here deleted, as this is
just a teaser.

    IV. Conclusion

    I hesitate to draw any practical conclusions because these weighty
    matters need to be addressed by our leading rabbis. Preliminarily, it
    would seem, based on the above, that according to the Chakham Tzvi,
    people who repeatedly cheat the government, year after year, cannot be
    counted for a minyan (see also Minchas Yitzchak 3:65). According to the
    Seridei Eish, if the community believes that the chillul Hashem caused
    by government cheats merits excommunication, even just in theory, then
    those who commit this sin cannot be counted for a minyan. On the other
    hand, if--Heaven forbid--this sin is so common that people do not
    consider it forbidden, then people who violate it can count for a
    minyan according to the Zeicher Yehosef. Widespread sin is not
    permission but the opposite--recognition of a communal, rather than
    personal, spiritual illness. Additionally, Rav Moshe Feinstein (Iggeros
    Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:23) permits counting every sinner for a minyan,
    presumably aside from someone actually excommunicated. Therefore,
    according to Rav Feinstein, even government cheats can count for a
    minyan despite their theft, lies and chillul Hashem.


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