[Avodah] Ultra-Orthodox suffering in COVID-19 pandemic due to sins of community

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at mail.gmail.com
Thu May 7 17:38:08 PDT 2020

[This is from a discussion on Areivim of words attributed to R Gerson
Edelstein at

... Yeshiva World News (at
has the story too, and they link to a YouTube video
(<https://youtu.be/93moxf2mkVQ>) of him speaking. It has Hebrew
captions, so you can get his exact words, many of which are "charedi"
and "charedim".

He spoke about two groups of people and here's my translation:

Those who have not yet done teshuva, they are shogeg, they are tinok
shenishbu, they are not guilty. They didn't receive chinuch, they are
not guilty, they are shogeg. But a chareidi, his sin is not shogeg. The
sins of someone who is not charedi is shogeg, but the sin of someone
who is charedi is not shogeg. That's the inyan: So when the tzibur sins,
the Midas Hadin injures the charedim more.

I leave it to the reader to consider whether (in Rav Edelstein's opinion)
everyone would fall into one of those two groups, or whether there might
be other group(s) too.

Akiva Miller

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