[Avodah] How To Religiously Respond to the Pandemic
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Thu Apr 23 18:48:23 PDT 2020
In a thread brought over from Areivim titled "Report: Orthodox Weddings
to Resume with 'Approved Model' in New Jersey: Rabbi Aaron Kotler",
on Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 2:35pm +0100, Rt Chana Luntz wrote:
> I confess that one of the most powerful religious responses I have seen is
> the piece in the link below by R' Gideon Rothstein - or at least the section
> about nidui (not so much to my mind his attempted answers as to why G-d
> might have put us into nidui, but the halachic description itself, including
> the reference to being menudeh la-Shamayim):
> https://www.torahmusings.com/2020/04/the-best-way-out-of-nidui/
A co worker commented today (given the parashah) about Tzora'as and the
need for social distancing. One can draw a similar comparison, but with
tzora'as there is a complication. Tzora'as has a well-known cause, as well
as 6 other things less often discussed. (All given by R Shemu'el b Nachmani,
Eirukhin 16a.) But I wouldn't hazard associating our current tzarah with
something that suggests a cause.
And this opens the door to having a conversation about how to respond
to the CoVID-19 epidemic. I am going to share a blog post of mine, and
then in the next post, an article by R Avraham Gordimer.
How To Religiously Respond to the Pandemic
by micha
Published Sun, Apr 5, 2020 Updated Thu, Apr 2, 2020
So many others wrote about THE correct way to respond to the CoVID-19
pandemic, how could someone like myself -- Micha Shmuel -- named
for not one but TWO nevi'im not join the fray with my opinion?
I think that identifying causality of the kind so many suggest,
"Hashem brought this because ..." is impossible for us. Read Hashem's
words at the end of Iyov. It's beyond us to figure it out, and the
hubris of trying angers Him. Never mind thinking we succeeded. Look
at the opening snippet (38:1-5 <https://www.sefaria.org/Job.38.1-5>):
Then Hashem replied to Iyov from the tempest and said: Who is
this who darkens counsel, Speaking without knowledge? Gird your
loins like a man; I will ask and you will inform Me. Where
were you when I laid the earth's foundations? Speak if you
have understanding. Do you know who fixed its dimensions Or who
measured its diameter? ...
Chazal presumed we had a firm grounding in Tanakh before moving on
to their works. So, it is safe to assume that where it looks like
they are violating the thesis of a book of Tanakh, they're not.
So, I take Chazal (and the Rambam) as demanding we take lessons from
what happens to us. Whether or not we find THE cause. What did the
pandemic and current lifestyle bring up for you? The thing you are
already motivated about is the ideal thing to be working on.
For R Aharon Lopiansky (watch here
<http://torahweb.org/audio/rlop_032920_video.html>), and he assumes
this is quite common / typical, the thing that has us all in a tizzy
is the fact that the news changes faster than we can get a handle on
it. We feel out of control, and we are in a society that has gotten
used to successfully engineering control -- from tech to getting
insurance to cap our loses.
An idolater goes and gets himself a god he can appease. It gives him
control. But Hashem's presence is always within a cloud. We don't
know what's going on. We need bitachon to manage, because we are
not in control.
And therefore, RAL suggests, this need for find a segulah to make
everything all better is itself the exact opposite of the experience
should be teaching us.
As for my own experience, one of the things the whole situation
drove home was how one person infects two or three, and they, 6 or
7... So to me the realization of social interaction, rechilus, or
just plain spreading negativity, was driven home more than feelings
of loss of control. (And there is a project doing that, as well:
Stop the Spread. <https://www.stopthespread.com/>)
But whatever it is you are naturally moved by in all this, and
if nothing comes on its own, what you hear that resonated. Those
responsible for their community's spirituality (typically a rav,
rosh yeshiva, rebbe or for one definition of "community", a parent)
should view their need to provide guidance in those terms -- in my
humble opinion.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger Today is the 14th day, which is
http://www.aishdas.org/asp 2 weeks in/toward the omer.
Author: Widen Your Tent Malchus sheb'Gevurah: How does judgment reveal
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