[Avodah] With shuls closed because of the pandemic, how will the firstborns hear a siyum on erev Pesach this year?

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Apr 6 08:44:49 PDT 2020

I have seen information from rabbonim saying that no one should fast during these troubled times.

>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

A. It customary for a bechor (firstborn) to fast erev Pesach to commemorate the miracle that the Jewish firstborn did not perish during the final plague of Makas Bichoros. However, the bechor is not required to fast if he attends a siyum. It has been common practice to have a siyum available in shul so that the firstborn of the congregation can participate (M.B. O.C 470.10). What should be done this year, when shuls have tragically closed their doors ?

Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach maintains that in extenuating circumstances one can listen to the siyum on the phone. Although most poskim do not allow hearing Havdalah or Kiddush on the phone because they are hearing a simulated sound and not the person’s actual voice, nonetheless a siyum is different. Presumably, this is because participation in the siyum cancels the fast because of the simcha associated with the event. One can share in the celebration by listening on the phone as well (Ma’adanei Shlomo).

When a siyum is in shul, if a bechor did not hear the siyum but participated in the seuda following the siyum, some rule that he may not break his fast (Harav Elyashiv, Siddur Pesach K’hilchaso page 168). Others are more lenient (Teshuvos v’Hanhagos 1:300 quoting Harav Y.Y. Kanievsky) because one shares the simcha even by eating at the seuda. Reb Moshe Feinstein is also lenient (Moadei Yeshurun P.132 ).

In the reverse case where one hears the siyum but does not partake in the seuda, Harav Elyashiv (ibid) and Teshuvos Devar Yehoshua 2:81) consider the fast terminated. On the other hand the Minchas Yitzchok (9.45 ) rules that a minimum of 2 fluid ounces of food or drink need to be consumed to be considered that he participated in the siyum.

In light of the conflicting opinions cited above, it is best to hear the siyum, and then eat something substantial afterwords at the seuda.

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