[Avodah] Sh'as hadchak (was Street Minyanim)

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Tue May 19 09:07:14 PDT 2020

On 19/5/20 10:57 am, Chana Luntz via Avodah wrote:
> I am also surprised that RZS says he comes from a tradition that does not
> rely in this shita even bishas hadchak, because I certainly know any number
> of Lubavitchers who do indeed rely on this shita.  In fact, I would hazard a
> guess that they are the group that most often rely on this shita worldwide,
> given the sort of environments Lubavitchers often put themselves in, taking
> positions in places in the world where minyanim that are full kosher
> according to all opinions are often very hard to come by, and yet where they
> often can provide the relevant katanim.

I can't speak to what other people do, but my father told me that when 
the Yeshivah was in Burwood they often couldn't get a minyan and asked 
the LR about using a katan as the tenth, and the reply was that they 
were not to do so under any circumstances.  I have heard similar things 
from other sources, and have never heard otherwise until now, so I am 
surprised to hear that your experience has been different.

Zev Sero            Wishing everyone a *healthy* and happy summer
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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