[Avodah] Zoom Seder

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 17:14:21 PDT 2020

R' Micha Berger asked:
> From http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/277764
> ...
> Leaving an audio-video program on for YT use. I notice Sepharadi
> names.   ROY is more meiqil on things like passive element PA
> systems than Ashkenazim are. Relevent?

Yes, very relevant! Read the Hebrew teshuva itself, right in that article.
I know that the print is tiny, but if you can magnify it, you'll find this
in paragraph Aleph:

"Regarding the permission to ignite electricity on Yom Tov, it is well
known that the Chachmei Yisrael Hasefardim and the Chachmei North Africa
hold differently. Practically all of them allow it, among them the Rishon
Letzion Rav Ben Tzion Uziel, Rav Refael ben Shimon, Rabbis Yosef and Shalom
Mashash, Rav Moshe Malka, and Rav David Shalush zt"l, and others. And many
Chachmei Ashkenaz forbid it (mid'rabanan)."

Caveat: I can't tell whether "hold differently" means that the Chachmei
Yisrael Hasefardim hold differently from the Chachmei North Africa, or
whether they agree with each other but hold differently from the Chachmei

But either way, this heter is clearly intended ONLY for Sefaradim. But I
wonder: Do Sefardim normally turn lights on and off on Yom Tov on a regular
basis? Or maybe they hold it to be ikar hadin but they refrain for other

Here's something else I noticed while reading the Hebrew version. The
second half of paragraph Gimel seems to explain their motivation for
issuing this heter, namely that the presence of the grandparents at the
Seder is a unique opportunity for - in *their* words - "inyan hashavat lev
habanim el avotam", that is, to strengthen the children's ties to Torah. I
would think that the medical, mental, and emotional needs of the
grandparents are stronger grounds for leniencies than kiruv, yet it was
mentioned only afterwards, and that surprises me very much.

Akiva Miller
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