[Avodah] Cholov Akum and Cholov Yisroel

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Wed Mar 4 11:36:42 PST 2020

At 02:25 PM 3/4/2020, R. Joel Rich  wrote:

>People ate all sorts of candy based on looking at the ingredients 
>listed on the label.
>And in the alta heim they didn't eat from "unsupervised bakeries (or pubs?)"
>Joel Rich

Since when to two wrongs make a right?

Also one has to keep in mind that in many places everything was made 
from scratch.  My mother-in-law comes from a small town in 
Hungary.  There was essentially no prepared anything. Baking was done 
at home,  meat and chickens were kashered at home,  etc.

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