[Avodah] Cholov Akum and Cholov Yisroel

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Sun Mar 1 15:35:52 PST 2020

At 05:02 PM 3/1/2020, R Micha Berger wrote:
>This analysis bothers me, because it forgets history before the 1950s.
>When RMF even wrote his first teshuvah on the subject, it was already
>the norm among most American shomerei kashrus not to be maqpid on CY.
>And there was already precedent in other countries in other eras.

Kashrus in America before the 1950s was in general in a sad state 
even for those who wanted to keep kosher properly.  For example,  I 
recall reading that something like 30% of the meat sold   in NY as 
kosher was actually  treif. People ate all sorts of candy based on 
looking at the ingredients listed on the label.

It was actually the advent of the OU that led to having proper 
kashrus standards..

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