[Avodah] Haneitz?

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Feb 25 09:00:34 PST 2020

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 10:34:55PM +0000, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
> Why did chazal consider davening at haneitz as preferable? What's best
> practice for someone who wakes up two hours before haneitz (when should
> they daven? what else should they do?)?

I think I addressed the last question in my reply: Tefillah between alos
and haneitz or between the 4th hour and noon are only okay in bedi'eved
or hefsed situations.

But I was confused about the first question:
>> Are you asking why AkhG set Shacharis during the first third of the day,
>> and thus from sunrise to noon? Or why chazal say the best time to daven
>> is at the beginning of that time range?

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 02:58:03AM +0000, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
> At the beginning and why so much so that many prefer that time to davening
> with a minyan

The Rambam (Hil' QS 1:11) states that the time for Shema by day is
supposed to be before haneitz so that one ends the last berakhah at

In contrast SA OC 58:1-2 calls davening at haneitz is min hamuchar.
Weaker than the Rambam saying it's the mitzvah, and everything else
is also yotzei.

Biur Halakhah s"q 3 says that if your norm is to daven kesiqin it outranks
minyan and shema with tefillin. (The latter from Berakhos 22, mishnah.)

Aside from the Rambam phrasing it as though Shema at any other time is
suboptimal, and semichas ge'ulah letefilah means Shemoneh Estrei would
be at alos exactly, there is also zerizim maqdimin. But I think it takes
cheshash for shitas haRambam is the reason for preference over minyan.

The AhS (s' 1-5) has a long discussion of whether being yotzei Shema
before haneitz is the usual law for daytime mitzvos or special to Shema

Chodesh Tov!
Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 The mind is a wonderful organ
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   for justifying decisions
Author: Widen Your Tent      the heart already reached.
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