[Avodah] Using Bein Adam laMakom to Motivate Bein Adam?laChaveiro

Sholom Simon sholom at aishdas.org
Wed Jan 15 13:19:56 PST 2020

R'n TK writes:  "In which strain of Orthodoxy, in which shul or yeshiva or
seminary, do Jews have only five of the aseres hadibros, or a Mishna that
lacks Pirkei Avos, or a Yom Kippur vidui with all the bain adam lachavero
parts missing, or a Tanach with no Sefer Mishlei, or a library with no
Mesilas Yesharim or Orchos Tzadikim or Chofetz Chaim?"

R Joel Rich cites Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Your actions speak so loudly, I can
not hear what you are saying."

Indeed, there is the rub.  We learn one thing, but how much do we
practice?  Mimeticism is extremely strong in these kinds of matters.

An interesting exercise (I heard this in a shiur once): for those who are
shul rabbis here, or are close to a shul rabbi, ask them: how many
questions do they get on BALM (kashrus, shabbos, niddah) vs RALCh (lashon
harah, tochacha, tzedakah, even ribbis)?

When my kids were in elementary school, the school did a major school-wide
push on a program they obtained -- it was called "Project Derech" which had
all the teachers on the same page (in a daf yomi sort of way) regarding the
midda of the week, with a school assembly, discussion questions to bring
home to the shabbos table, and what-not.  It was a terrific program.  (I
have no idea how widespread that program is -- but it is truly awesome --
see https://projectderech.org/).  My kids, B"H, are still positively
effected by that program.  I vaguely recall R Gil Student mentioning it 15
years ago or so (IIRC)

-- Sholom
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