[Avodah] meals

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Mar 18 08:05:11 PDT 2020

On 18/3/20 3:04 am, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
> Question: How would (should?) the fact that we generally eat three meals 
> per day rather than two (as they did in Talmudic times) be reflected in 
> halachic if at all? (e.g. eating pre-mincha davening)

I have a much bigger question.  The whole way we eat nowadays is so 
completely different from the model Chazal had in mind when they made 
hilchos birchos hanehenin that really major change is needed, but who 
can do it?  Their whole premise was that a meal consists of bread, and 
condiments to make the bread taste better.  Sometimes a grain porridge 
would substitute for the bread, but the essential roles were the same. 
To us, the bread, if it appears at all, is a condiment or entree to the 
real food.  We don't eat bread with meat, we eat meat with bread.  Even 
with grains, we regard them as a side dish, not as the main part of the 
course.  So in principle the entire basis of hil' bh"n should be reversed.

Next: Undoing the whole concept of 7 mashkim, and the principle that the 
juice of any fruit but grapes and olives is not a mashkeh.  Not just in 
hil' bh"n and shabbos, but also in hil' taharos. (At least in principle, 
since they're not practical halachos anyway.)

Zev Sero            Wishing everyone a kosher Purim and a happy Pesach
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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