[Avodah] [Nishma] Shabbat Without Shul: A Guide
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Fri Mar 20 07:07:03 PDT 2020
R R Wolpoe or R Ben Hecht (the blog post gives me mixed signals) posted
the following guidelines from R Yaakov Hoffman of the Washington Heights
Congregation designed for his congregation. (Not to be confused with R
Yair Hoffman of the 5TJT.)
On factor I noticed RYH didn't mention that I saw others did was
maintaining your usual davening times. (Assuming we're not talking about
kevasiqin as the other option.)
Shabbat Without Shul: A Guide
Friday, 20 March 2020
>From RRW
Guest Blogger: Rabbi Yaakov Hoffman
Below is a halachic guide I prepared for my shul on how to daven on
Shabbos without a minyan, and general halachos one should know that
are affected by not being in a shul framework on Shabbos. Feel free
to use/adapt for your own shuls. Also, I would be happy to receive any
he'aros you may have. Thanks.
Shabbat Without Shul: A Guide
- One should make an effort to daven Mincha on Friday before
plag ha-mincha (this week ~5:50pm).
- It is not necessary to recite the full Kabbalat Shabbat as recited in
shul; reciting Lecha Dodi, Mizmor Shir leYom haShabbat, Hashem Malach
Ge'ut Lavesh, and Bameh Madlikin is sufficient. One should recite Lecha
Dodi and Mizmor Shir leYom haShabbat before sunset (this week ~7:07pm).
- Although ordinarily one should daven Maariv after nightfall when
praying without a minyan, on Friday evening one may daven after plag
(preferably one should wait ~20 minutes after plag). The Shema must
be repeated after nightfall (tzeit ha-kochavim, this Friday ~7:42pm).
- One may make Kiddush and begin the meal immediately after davening
Maariv. If one has not yet begun the meal by tzeit ha-kochavim, one
must repeat the Shema before eating.
- Those who arise early are strongly encouraged to daven ke-vatikin --
timing one's Shacharit to begin the Amidah at sunrise (this week
- If one is pressed for time (e.g., in order to daven at sunrise, or
because one needs to help out at home), one can skip the extra psalms
added during Psukei de-Zimra on Shabbat, with the exception of Mizmor
Shir leYom haShabbat and Hashem Malach Ge'ut Lavesh.
- Men should take care to daven Shacharit before the latest time for
the Shema (this week ~10am).
- After the Amidah of Shacharit, one recites Ashrei and then the Amidah
of Musaf, followed by Ein k'Elokeinu, Aleinu, and Shir shel Yom.
- It is extremely advisable to read or study the weekly parashah at some
point over Shabbat (and to be extra careful about shnayim mikra during
the preceding week).
- On Shabbat Mevarchim, it is a good idea to remind oneself and one's
household about the upcoming Rosh Chodesh (Rosh Chodesh Nisan is
Thursday March 26). One does not recite the formal prayer for the
upcoming month that is recited in shul.
- One should wash for the Shabbat morning meal before midday (this
week ~1pm).
- One should daven Mincha before eating se`udah shlishit.
- Se`udah shlishit should begin before sunset, and may extend as long
as one likes. After benching, or after 10 minutes post-sunset (whichever
is later), one may not eat or drink anything except water until after
- One should not daven Maariv on Saturday night until after Shabbat is
over (this week ~7:50pm); preferably, one should not do any melacha
before davening Maariv (with atah chonantanu) or making Havdalah.
- Baruch Hashem L'Olam is omitted in Maariv when not davening with a
minyan. The rest of Maariv, including additions for motza'ei Shabbat,
is recited as usual. Veyiten lecha may be recited after Havdalah. Vihi
no`am and ve'attah kadosh are omitted on the Saturday night preceding
Pesach (and Shavuot, but hopefully we will be back in shul well before
then!), but veyiten lecha is still recited.
Yaakov Hoffman
Rabbi, Washington Heights Congregation[5]
Posted by Rabbi Ben Hecht at 9:08 am
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