[Avodah] Using Bein Adam laMakom to Motivate Bein Adam laChaveiro

Toby Katz t613k at aol.com
Tue Jan 14 22:42:12 PST 2020

 In Avodah Digest, Vol 38, Issue 1 dated 1/4/2020 

>> We are dealing with an Orthodoxy which, ba'avonoseinu harabbim, thinksthat the Torah is all about bein adam laMaqom.... << 

--Micha Berger               
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   t
This is the same accusation that Christians have been making against Jews for 2000 years and that Reform/secular Jews have been making against Orthodox Jews for 200 years.  But this accusation is simply not true.  We Orthodox Jews should not internalize the false image that our enemies have of us.  This belief that our enemies are right about us reflects a kind of spiritual Stockholm Syndrome.  Since we are all human beings, of course we all have our faults.  But Orthodox Jews in general -- Ashkenazim, Sefardim, Chasidim, Misnagdim, charedim, Modern Orthodox -- do NOT teach or preach that <<the Torah is all about bein adam laMaqom.>>  In which strain of Orthodoxy, in which shul or yeshiva or seminary, do Jews have only five of the aseres hadibros, or a Mishna that lacks Pirkei Avos, or a Yom Kippur vidui with all the bain adam lachavero parts missing, or a Tanach with no Sefer Mishlei, or a library with no Mesilas Yesharim or Orchos Tzadikim or Chofetz Chaim?

--Toby Katzt613k at aol.com
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