[Avodah] Q. If one read through a Masechta, but did not really understand it, can he make a siyum?
Prof. L. Levine
llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Jan 2 13:37:43 PST 2020
>From today's OU Halacha Yomis
Q. If one read through a Masechta, but did not really understand it, can he make a siyum?
A. The Steipler Gaon (Orchos Rabbeinu 2:57) writes that one who studies Gemara or any other subject cannot make a siyum unless one understood the subject matter. The learning need not be with great depth. It is enough that one learns the p’shat (simple understanding). Many poskim hold that this is true even if one did not study the Gemara with Rashi or any other commentary. Sefer Ohr L’Tzion (3:12, ha’arah 1) writes that even if one might have missed a few lines here or there, they can still make a siyum. Similarly, he writes that although when one learns Torah one must vocalize every word (or listen to each word from a chavrusa), but if one occasionally learned by reading the words in one’s mind, one may still make a siyum.
One can make a siyum even if one learns a short Masechta such as Tamid or Horiyos, and even if it was studied out of order.
Rav Elyashiv, zt”l (Doleh Umashkeh, p. 318:3) held that one person must learn the entire Masechta and it cannot be divided up among a group.
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