[Avodah] Bracha question

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Nov 20 13:31:40 PST 2019

On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 07:55:11AM -0500, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
> R' Joel Rich asked:
>> If one (or a whole community) normally eats sliced apple as
>> part of the meal (e.g. waldorf salad), would you still make
>> a bracha on apple slices dipped in honey after making hamotzi?

> You can't compare a food which is accepted as a normal meal-food, with a
> non-meal food that happens to be eaten during the meal but specifically for
> ritual purposes.

To rephased RAM's answer in the terms I was planning to use... (Just
because to the way I think, I find the first sentence below a clear

Whether or not a food it part of the meal has little to do with the kind
of food, and more with why it is being eaten.

Yes, there are rules of thumb. Like assuming fruit during the meal
wasn't really as part of the meal - which RJR's example of waldorf salad
violates. Just as RAM's (deleted) example of maror defies the norms for
why we eat vegetables during the meal. And is a close parallel to the
minhag of eating an apple as part of a siman milsa.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 Education is not the filling of a bucket,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   but the lighting of a fire.
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