[Avodah] Kaddish Yatom on Yom Kippur

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Oct 18 07:41:57 PDT 2019

On 17/10/19 3:42 pm, Henry Topas via Avodah wrote:

> I am in a year of aveilut and it occurred to me that on Yom Kippur last 
> week, following Shacharit, there was no further opportunity for an avel 
> to say Kaddish during the Mussaf, Mincha or Neila parts of the tefilah.  
> This would seem to further differentiate Yom Kippur from other days.
> Can anyone offer sources, comments or suggestions as to why this 
> structure has been instituted?  Is it different in nuschaot other than 
> Ashkenaz?

Davening isn't structured with kaddish opportunities in mind.  On the 
contrary, kaddish is an afterthought, tacked on to the bits before and 
after the main event. Since on Yom Kippur we (at least in principle) go 
right through the day there's no need to conclude each tefilla with 
ketoret and/or Aleinu, and thus no opportunity for kaddish afterwards.

I davened at a Sefaradi minyan, where things were different.  First, 
after musaf there was Ketoret/Ledavid Mizmor/Ledavid Ori, followed by a 
kaddish (though surprisingly it was not Al Yisrael), and then Alenu 
followed by chatzi kaddish.  After mincha there was a perek of tehilim 
and alenu, each followed by kaddish. There was nothing after ne'ilah, 
but there was a kaddish after each of the sifrei torah in the morning. 
In addition, as is my custom, I learned Kelim 24 and Mikvaot 7 before 
musaf and again before mincha and concluded them after those tefilot, 
with Kadish Al Yisrael.  I seem to recall there was also something 
learned during the 40-minute break before mincha, followed by kaddish Al 
Yisrael, but my memory is a bit hazy.  (I do remember that mishnayot 
Yoma was learned after maariv, followed by kaddish.)

If you had been at an L shul, your kaddish opportunities would have been 
as follows: After musaf there would be tehillim and mishnayos; after 
mincha there would be Ledavid Ori; and after neilah there would be 
Ketores, tehillim, and mishnayos; each followed by kaddish, plus one on 
the first sefer torah in the morning.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 5780 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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