[Avodah] Balancing Observance and the Interpersonal
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Mon Dec 9 09:38:24 PST 2019
By R' Eliezer Eisenberg
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Vayeitzei. Reconciling LeChaveiro with LaMakom
After Yaakov had a dream where he received nevuas Elokim that told
him to leave Lavan, why did he seek Rachel and Leah's advice and
consent about leaving?
1. Rav Gifter
When your mitzva creates a burden for another person, you have to
discuss it with him first.
2. The Shlah, Reb Moshe, and lhbchlch Rav Sternbuch
Mitzvos should be done with the understanding that they are Hashem's
gifts to us. It is wrong to do them because we have no choice, and
consider them to be burdens and hardships that we have to endure. It
is important to understand this ourselves, and to explain to everyone
involved why the mitzva is so right and so good, in order that they
should realize and appreciate that Hashem gave us the mitzva for
our to'eles.
3. The Seforno per Reb Chaim Brown
Yaakov wasn't asking whether to go. He assumed they would go, but was
asking for advice about the best way to go - should he tell Lavan,
or sneak away.
4. Abarbanel
The Abarbanel says in 28:16, on the story of the Sulam, that Yaakov
made the neder because he wasn't sure if his vision was a prophecy
or just a dream. This was, he says, Yaakov's first experience with
Nevu'ah, so, as was the case with Shmuel Hanavi, he was not sure
what had happened. If so, perhaps we can say the same is true here,
that Yaakov wasn't be 100% sure whether it was nevu'ah or just a
dream. I don't like this approach. It was not the first time, and
he certainly knew by then that it was Nevu'ah.
5. RDNJS and ENE, crystallized by a he'ara from Rav Moish Pollack.
This event is a perfect example of [baderekh shehadam rotzeh leileikh
molikhin oso]. It seems clear that that the tzivui of Hashem was
catalyzed by Yaakov's personal choice, by Yaakov's decision to follow
this particular path. That being the case, Yaakov was obligated
to discuss it with the people whose entire lives were affected by
his choice.
I really like this explanation because of how well it fits the
order of pesukim and shtims with the story of Miriam and Aharon
against Moshe.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger Weeds are flowers too
http://www.aishdas.org/asp once you get to know them.
Author: Widen Your Tent - Eeyore ("Winnie-the-Pooh" by AA Milne)
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