[Avodah] Noach

Cantor Wolberg cantorwolberg at cox.net
Sun Oct 27 05:14:25 PDT 2019

 In Parshat Noach, Ch.8 verse 2, the word "vayikalei" (and the rain from heaven was restrained) appears only twice in the entire Bible. The only other place it occurs is in Parshat Vayakhel where Moses commanded the Jews to contribute materials for the building of the Tabernacle. The Jews responded with such energy that Moses soon had more than enough material and he had to tell the people to cease. (We should be so lucky today). The people dutifully complied, as the Torah records: "And the people were restrained from bringing" (Exodus 36:6). 
The Baal HaTurim who pointed out the rare occurrence of this word says that this connection reminds us that when God rains down His blessings, people increase their level of tzedakah. But when the rain stops, so does their generosity. (Actually, I would have thought it was just the opposite because if God did not rain down his blessings, people would be afraid that they've sinned and therefore would increase their level of tzedakah. But as soon as the blessings rain down, people in their prosperity forget others and are less generous. I would tend to think it really depends upon the person, etc.).

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