[Avodah] Sukkah on Shmini Atzeret

Meir Shinnar chidekel at mail.gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 13:50:54 PDT 2019

Seth Mandel
> What Rabbi Spitz neglects to note is that every single one of the sources
> that justify not eating in the sukka are chassidim or fellow travelers
> (like the Arukh haShulhan). There is not a single posek before the advent
> of chasidus who justifies such a custom, even though some families were
> known not to eat some of their meals in the sukka.

It's been mentioned here a while back that rabbi dr chaim soloveitchik in
his classes ( and it is also in his scollected essays, in a book review
of a book that brings the data - away from my books so can't cite exact
source)that it was the Minhag of rashi's family ( this is more than just
some families....) through the ages not to eat in. Sukka on shmini
atzeret (including the dayan of vilna on time of gra). This predates
hasidut, even if not in standard books of psak, but by major figures

I also wonder about calling the arukh hashulchan, whom Rav henkin Zt"l
said was the accepted book of psak in lita, as a fellow traveler..

Meir Shinnar

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