[Avodah] Why is it permitted to dance and clap on Simchas Torah,

Prof. L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Oct 10 09:48:15 PDT 2019

>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. Why is it permitted to dance and clap on Simchas Torah, when these activities are prohibited on an ordinary Yom Tov?

A. Chazal prohibited dancing and clapping on Shabbos and Yom Tov for fear that these activities may lead to fashioning musical instruments. (Shulchan Aruch OC 339:3) On Simchas Torah, Chazal waived the prohibition in order to increase the honor of the Torah (Magen Avraham 339:1; Mishnah Berurah 339:8 and 669:5). An alternative reason presented by Aruch HaShulchan (OC 339:8,9) is that our mode of dancing and clapping are not forbidden because they do not lead to fashioning a musical instrument.

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