[Avodah] Boray M'oray Ha'esh on Tisha B'Av

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 04:38:19 PDT 2019

> Closer to our case:
> If you daven maariv at pelag, you are not permitted to wear tefillin
> afterward.

I'm not sure the Aruch haShulchan agrees with that. See 30:8 - " the
Beis Yosef writes that SOME SAY that if you daven maariv at pelag, you
are not permitted to wear tefillin afterward."

This makes it sound like not everybody agrees. Now I see that the SA
(30:5) quotes it anonymously: "SOME SAY that if you daven maariv at
pelag, you are not permitted to wear tefillin afterward."

The Mishna Berura along with most other Nosei Keilim (
https://tinyurl.com/Sefaria-OC-30-5 ) suggest you wear them w/o a

- Danny

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