[Avodah] Tartei d'Satrei

David Riceman driceman at optimum.net
Sun Aug 25 09:55:05 PDT 2019


> I've always felt that going to more than one poseik (even in different areas of psak) raises the likelihood that one will be accepting positions which are based on a higher order tartei dsatrei (Internal inconsistencies that even the poseik may not be consciously aware of).


Of course the Sanhedrin ruled by majority, so following the Sanhedrin’s psak entails the same problem.


> Would the Sanhedrin have had two unrelated votes on halakhos where the
> pesaqim are tightly correlated?

I looked for this over Shabbos.  I didn’t find anything conclusive, but I did find some hints.  Conceptually, though, that would imply that the Sanhedrin can’t function as a court of appeal for normal disputes, which seems unrealistic.

See. H. Sanhedrin 10:5.

http://www.hebrewbooks.org/rambam.aspx?sefer=14&hilchos=79&perek=10&halocha=5&hilite= <http://www.hebrewbooks.org/rambam.aspx?sefer=14&hilchos=79&perek=10&halocha=5&hilite=>

 I’m guessing here that RJR’s inconsistencies are correlated the the Rambam’s ta’amim.  But see Shach HM 25 SK 19:2

http://beta.hebrewbooks.org/tursa.aspx?a=cm_x8762 <http://beta.hebrewbooks.org/tursa.aspx?a=cm_x8762>

who suggests that there is a typo in the Rambam.

And see Pischei Tshuva SK 7 there who cites the Noda B’Yhuda second edition HM 3 (which I didn’t’t look up inside) confirming a psak BD based on two contradictory ta’amim (with the third judge advocating no monetary award).

Nobody I noticed suggested that such a peak would bind the future psakim of the judges or the court.

And see Hazon Ish al HaRambam Hashlamos H. Mamrim 1:4 that Hazal after the Hurban still had the status of Sanhedrin.


And there is an issue d’orayysa for a judge to refuse to rule after having decided a case, so I don’t see how RMB’s elegant suggestion would be viable.

David Riceman
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