[Avodah] 15 Av

allan.engel at gmail.com allan.engel at gmail.com
Sat Aug 17 17:31:23 PDT 2019

What compels you to believe that every derasha (in this case Atem afilu
shogegin etc) was already known in the desert? Or, in fact, to any
generation prior to the derasha being expounded?

The paradigm that allowed new derashos on pesukim (until 'sof mishna' -
presumably the end of the era of Tannaim) explicitly allows for changes in
halachic practice on the basis of new derashos.

On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 08:43, Akiva Miller via Avodah <
avodah at lists.aishdas.org> wrote:

> Here's my question: If someone says 'Perhaps we made a mistake in
> calculating the month,' then that person is clearly rejecting the halacha
> that a declaration of Rosh Chodesh is valid even if the "wrong" day was
> declared. Even if the "wrong" day was declared to be Rosh Chodesh Av in
> that particular year, there is absolutely no need to worry that any day
> other than the ninth was the "real" Tisha B'av. I imagine that anyone who
> *would* have had such feelings would have been guilty of apikorsus or
> something similar.
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