[Avodah] what language did Bilaam speak?
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Sun Jul 14 10:41:11 PDT 2019
On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 02:58:05PM +0300, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
: 1. What language did he converse with G-d and with Balak?
Pictures, mental impages. Given that these are then wrapped by the
prophet's brain in the familiar, it must have seemed to Bil'am that
Hashem was speaking in Be'or's voice in the Aramaic of his youth.
I have nothing for 2 & 3 worth sharing. (Although if you take the
Rambam's daas yachid that the donkey speaking was part of the
nevu'ah, and not physical speech, the same answer would apply.)
: 4. What language did the angel speak to him since angels don't speak
: Aramaic.
Something I learned from your nephew, haR' Mordecai Kornfeld.
Tosafos (Shabbos 12b, "she'ein mal'akhei hashareis") ask about this
notion that they don't speak Aramaic? Mal'akhim can hear thoughts!
I am not clear if they are asking mima nafshakh, if they can hear
the thoughts they can understand the words used to explain them. Or
if T is saying that even if they didn't understand the Aramaic,
they would understand the tefillah by reading the thoughts directly.
(The Gra [on OC 101:11] brings a source for Tosafos's assumption
that mal'akhim can hear our thoughts.)
The Rosh (Berakhos 2:2) answers that mal'akhim act like they don't
understand a tefillah Aramaic because of the chutzpah of using an
almost-Hebrew rather than Hebrew itself.
Perhaps we could answer your queestion by saying that for Bil'am, the
decision not to use Hebrew wouldn't be considered chutzpah.
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger When a king dies, his power ends,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp but when a prophet dies, his influence is just
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