[Avodah] Tidbits for R"H

Cantor Wolberg cantorwolberg at cox.net
Fri Sep 27 12:08:31 PDT 2019

The Torah portion for the first day deals with the barrenness of Sarah and the Haftorah deals with the barrenness of Chanah.  
Nevertheless, they finally conceived and gave birth to great people. So it is with Rosh Hashanah.
Though we may have been barren with a lack of mitzvos or with an abundance of aveiros, 
HaShem can also cause a miracle for a rebirth in our lives, providing there is the proper kavana.

The question has been asked why we did the apple into honey.
The standard answer is to symbolize a sweet year.
But why honey? Why not something else sweet.
The answer I learned many years ago was because the bee works for the honey.
And if you want a sweet year, you have to work for it!

A healthy, fulfilling and meaningful 5780

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