[Avodah] Brachos and Continuous Creation

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Sep 4 10:37:14 PDT 2019

You may have heard the thought that "Yotzeir haMe'oros" is written in
lashon hoveh because the RBSO didn't create the me'oros and then they
continue to persist. Rather, He is creating and recreating everything
continually. "Hamchadeish beTuvo bekhol yom tamid."

Our persistence is as much an act of creation as the original moments
when things came to be.

In Arukh haShulchan OC 46:3, RYMEpstein notes that this is only one
example. Every berakhah concludes belashon hoveh: Nosein haTorah, Borei
peri ha'adamah. And therefore says our nusach "haNosein lasekhvi vinah"
(Rambam, Tur, SA) is iqar, not what we have in our girsa'os of the gemara,
"asher nasan lasekhvi binah".

He then adds, "Asher Yatzar" starts out belashon avar, because it's
about what just happened, but there to the chasimah is "Rofei khol

I want to combine this with something RYME writes in OC 4:2. There
he talks about the shift from second to third "Person" grammar in
berakhos. "Barukh Atah" talks to a You. However, "asher qidishanu" or
"hanosein" or whatever talks about a He. We similarly find in a number
of mizmorim and hoda'os "Atah Hu".

His Atzumus is ne'elam mikol ne'eman. The seraphim and ophanim have
no idea. They and we only know Him by His actions. And therefore
"Barukh kevod H' mimqomo" -- His Kavod, which we can understand
something about, because they are His Actions. But not His Atzmus.
So, when we speak of something we receive from Him, we are talking
about Hashem's action, and can use the word Atah.

But RYME doesn't explain why then we switch to the third "Person"
langage the chasimah.

Perhaps this idea from 46:3 is why. We can relate to Hashem providing us
the bread beforee us. But can we relate to Maaseh Bereishis being lemaaleh
min hazman, such that His providing us that bread is the same Action as
His creating the concept of wheat, it properties, and the first wheat,
to begin with?

(I will repeat my obsersation that in lashon haqodesh, present tense
verbs and adjectives and nouns all blend together. When we say "haNosein
lasekhvi" are we saying Hashem is giving now (verb), or that He is the
Giver? And if the latter, do we mean, "the King of the universe Who gives"
(adjectival) or are we continuing the list, "Hashem, our, G-d, the King
of the universe, the One Who gives..." (noun)? Li nir'eh the point is
they are all the same thing -- you are what you are doing.)

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 If you won't be better tomorrow
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   than you were today,
Author: Widen Your Tent      then what need do you have for tomorrow?
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF            - Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

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