[Avodah] Hanging Tzitzis to fulfil all opinions -- can it be done?

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Jul 22 06:33:28 PDT 2019

On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 07:53:07PM -0400, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
: OT1H, if you are relying on shitos that "the garment doesn't need kosher
: tzitzis anyway," then perhaps you should be careful not to wear it on
: Shabbos outside the eruv! (For more details, Shmirat Shabbat K'Hilchata
: 18:36.)

I'm back at the beginning of AhS, learning tzitzis again, thus the
question. And RYME also discusses this issue.

OC 13:2 <https://www.sefaria.org/Arukh_HaShulchan%2C_Orach_Chaim.13.2>
discusses a tallis that definitely needs tzitzis, and says it may be
worn on Shabbos. Even a silk tallis, even those who hold that only
wool or linen begadim require tzitzis deOraisa, the chiyuv derabbanan
is enough to be mevatel the tzitzis to the garment. If the tzitzis are
mishum safeiq or not at all, no. And then the AhS ends (tr. mine):
    According to this, very small talisos, which do not have the shiur,
    it would be assur to go out on Shabbos into a reshus harabbim
    with them.
    But the world are nohagim heter. Ve'ulai sevira lehu that since this
    beged doesn't need tzitzis at all, the tzitzis have no chashivus
    for this begd, and are batel.
    (And is is written in the the Be'er Heitev that in Teshuvas haRama
    siman 110 he is mefalpel in this matter, but I don't have it tachas
    yadi now to look into it.)

So, to explain minhag Yisrael, RYME is willing to say that for safeiq
chiyuv means the strings are too chashuv to be automatically batel,
but safeiq no chiyuv means they may not be batel as a matir for the
beged. But if there is no chiyuv at all, they would be batel like
decorative buttons -- the tassles have no chashivus.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 Our greatest fear is not that we're inadequate,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   Our greatest fear is that we're powerful
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