[Avodah] Aruch haShulchan on Lishmah

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Thu Jul 25 12:58:15 PDT 2019

In AhS OC 1:13, RYME is in the middle of a list of "yesodei hadas". (The
list is incomplete; he refers you to the Rambam for the rest.) After
he lists olam haba, genehom, bi'as mashiach and techiyas hameisim, RYME
writes, "Similarly it is among the yesodei hadas that all the mitzvos
are to be performed not because the seikhel obligates it, like mitzvos
BAL"Chaveiro, but because HQBH commanded us to do this.

As two examples, he looks at Shabbos and Kibbud AvE, both of which he
says are sikhli -- it is logical to take a day off "lechazeiq kochosav",
and similar honoring one's parents shoudl be self evident. When these
two diberos are described in Shemos, before the Cheit haEigel, Hashem
simply tells us to do them. We were on the level of mal'akhim, of course
we would do what Hashem wants because He wants it. But in Devarim, after
the cheitm both diberos say "ka'asher tzivkha H' Elokekha". After the
eigel, we need to be instructed in proper motive.

I have a question about the AhS's "kegon mitzvos BALC". (See
<https://www.sefaria.org/Arukh_HaShulchan%2C_Orach_Chaim.1.13> for the
Hebrew to follow this.)

Is he saying, "all the mitzvos are to be performed not because the seikhel
obligates it, like mitzvos BAL"Chaveiro [are not performed bexause it
is reasonable to do so]".

Or is he saying, "all the mitzvos [maasios] are to be performed not
because the seikhel obligates it, like [the way one performs] mitzvos

The Rambam is famously understood as distinguishing between:
- mitzvos sikhlios, where we ARE supposed to internalize the values
  and then do them naturally because that's what we personally value,
  and between
- mitzvos shim'iyos where it is superior to really like pork but refrain
  because Hashem said so.

The AhS wants us to do every mitzvah in the second way.

And so my question becomes -- does he really mean every mitzvah, or is
he excluding at least most of mitzvos BALC?

As the Alter of Slabodka writes:
    "Veahavta lereiakha komakha." That you should love your peer the way
    you love yourself. You do not love yourself because it is a mitzvah,
    rather, a plain love. And that is how you should love your peer.

The pasuq, by saying kamokha, appears to exclude ahavas rei'im from the
notion of performing specifically because HQBH commanded.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger                 Our greatest fear is not that we're inadequate,
http://www.aishdas.org/asp   Our greatest fear is that we're powerful
Author: Widen Your Tent      beyond measure
- https://amzn.to/2JRxnDF                      - Anonymous

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