[Avodah] Kriat Hatorah

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 04:38:46 PDT 2019

R' Joel Rich asked:

> R’YBS held that the order of kohein, Levi, Yisrael for aliyot is
> a requirement in the kriat hatorah (not in kavod) and thus, if not
> observed, there would not be a kiyum kriat hatorah bshlaimuta
> (complete completion of the mitzvah of kriat hatorah (see Halakkic
> Positions of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik – Page 101). This would
> preclude what seems to be the somewhat common approach of asking
> the Cohain to leave so that his aliyah can be given to a Yisrael.

Even in a situation where the kriat hatorah is essentially d'Oraisa, the
structure and organization of the aliyot is d'rabanan at most. In other
words, I cannot imagine that R’YBS held that the order of kohein, Levi,
Yisrael for aliyot is a *Torah* requirement in the kriat hatorah.

But honoring the Cohain *IS* a Torah requirement. If there is a situation
where we are justified in asking the Cohain to step outside, I can't
imagine worrying about the "bshlaimuta" as described here.

Akiva Miller
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